Thursday, 28 January 2016

It's Progress...

My rewriting of the short story is going well.

I've finished the first rewrite now and just need to go back through it, as I'm a couple of hundred words short of the minimum word count for my target magazine.

I did have to jiggle the dialogue around between characters as I had to lose one- they were surplus to requirements.

Though the narrative and description changed slightly, the dialogue didn't, it just fitted into place. I suppose it was because the characters hadn't changed...character.

Admittedly dialogue has always been a strong point, and I can hear the different characters as they speak - I just have to hope that readers can too, and it's not just me because I'm writing them!

I want to get this story done and out of the way so I can get back to Serena's Nottinghamshire story.

There's been no progress on the chapter two rewrite because the scene needs a few additions, and I have to bring in one of the minor missing (from draft one) characters, and get to know them.

My word count for the month has gone up because I'm now recording any writing I do, be it my blog posts, non-fiction, judging, information pieces for the writers' club magazine as well as fiction.

So I've discovered that I write more than I think- considering I can't touch type.

I'm making progress and that's the important thing...

Before winter and the
Blackbirds arrived...


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the story, Carol. I hope you find a good home for it!

Helen Laycock

Susan A Eames said...

Good to hear you're making progress, Carol. I can touch-type and can't imagine how laborious it must be if you have to keep looking at the keys.

Carolb said...

I know where I'll be sending it, Helen. It will just come down to whether they like it enough to buy it. :)

Carolb said...

Sometimes I can type faster than the words can come up on the screen because I'm in full flow, Susan. The important thing is that I keep typing and it soon builds up. :)

Rosemary Gemmell said...

All the best with getting to the correct word limit, submitting it and hopefully having it accepted, Carol!

Nicola said...

Sounds like things are going well, Carol. You'll overcome the difficulties, I'm sure. Wishing you best of luck with finding those missing words. Have a lovely weekend.

Teresa Ashby said...

It all sounds very positive, Carol. You're almost there! Good luck! :-) xx

Patsy said...

Recording your word count seems a good idea. I've done it for various challenges and I do seem to write more. I think it's because I can't kid myself I've been working if I have nothing to enter in the daily total.

I only include submittable work, but any system which motivates you is a good thing.

Carolb said...

Thanks, Rosemary. I'm going to keep trying. :)

Carolb said...

Thanks, Nicola. Have a good weekend too. :)

Carolb said...

Thanks, Teresa. :)

I'm positive about this story, and can only do my best and keep my fingers crossed.

Carolb said...

As I don't currently have many submittable pieces yet, Patsy, so I've found tracking my word count has helped me see how much I can achieve in my available time.

And of course, identify where I can do more. :)

Patsy said...

Sometimes I'll notice a couple more sentences would take me up to a nice round number, so I make the effort - and quite often keep on writing.

Wendy's Writing said...

I've never recorded my weekly word count but I think I'd be pleasantly surprised if I did, then maybe I could stop beating myself up about not having done enough.

Carolb said...

I'm hoping that I can find the few hundred I need. :)

Carolb said...

It doesn't work for everyone, Wendy, but it works as a prompt for me so I don't get lazy. :)