Monday, 16 April 2018

A Vintage Break...

That title sums up my weekend.

Sunday I attended Lou Lou's Vintage Fair held at the Albert Hall (no not that one in London);this one is in Nottingham City Centre next to the Playhouse (the smaller of the two theatres in the city).

Going Vintage...
I was looking for a few 1920's pieces for inspiration  on one of my future projects.

Now I love brooches. I have a few inexpensive costume jewellery brooches that my mum wore on her dresses or coat when I was a child, but rarely wear myself.

Possibly that's why I started a board on Pinterest just for Brooches - old and new,

I took it as a good sign for the story, that in my first ten minutes at the fair I got a lovely Art Deco brooch and a postcard of the poster for the New Pullman Express, The Southern Belle, which travelled from London to Brighton in the early 20th Century- this was one of my initial research areas for the idea.

It's unsettling to see clothes and household items that were so familiar when I was growing up, but equally disturbing when the clothes from the 1970's were now considered vintage- though perhaps it's not so bad if you call them retro instead!

There was a wonderful selection of cakes on sale to go with tea in proper cups- no plastic there...

I found a few items of 1920's clothes on one of the rails, a black coat with a high velvet collar, and a couple of dressing gowns with beautiful red/plum silk linings. Even though they were aged (and on a coat hanger) they still exuded that suggestion of elegance. Sadly they had to stay on the rail...

It was a fun and relaxing few hours and has certainly reignited my interest in collecting brooches.

From a research point of view vintage fairs are especially useful for 1930's-1950's household items, clothing and jewellery.

(Etsy seems to be another useful place to look.)

Also there will be true aficionados attending; they dress up with the clothing, hairstyles and jewellery of their chosen decade.

When I stopped for coffee and cake I shared a table with two ladies, one dressed 1940's and the other 1950's. I felt quite overdressed in jeans and a jacket!

Have you been to a vintage fair or similar event and did you enjoy it?

image from Pixabay

Thursday, 12 April 2018

In the Chair...

In the chair does sound a bit sinister, but it's not- thankfully.

It was the writers' club's AGM last night and the post of Chairman was up for election, so I went from Vice-Chairman to Chairman...

I've done the job before so it's not as scary as the first time I was elected to the role in 2012 for three years.

Another member of the club who is in the spotlight this week is talented short story writer Keith Havers.

Keith blogs over at Dream it, then do it, and you'll find a link to read the Writer of the Week spot over on the website of  People's Friend magazine; Keith is the writer this week.

In the distant past it was quite common for male writers to adopt a female pseudonym for the women's weekly magazine market, but Keith didn't follow the trend- and it made no difference to his acceptances.

Right I'm off to tackle my to do list so I can get back to draft 2...

image from Pixabay

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Updating the Blog for April...

Yes, not only is there redecorating going on at home, but on the blog too.

This month I'm going to be having a spring clean of the blog: remove elements, or change their position; a new smaller header photo to start with.

The advantage with updating a blog or website is that you don't get paint splashes in your hair or bits of wallpaper left over...
Decorating & making

You may have noticed that my blog is now delivered over a secure https encrypted service. It's taken Blogger a while to bring in the https options for those blog owners who have applied their own domain name.

Those who had the regular blogspot in the address bar already had this service, but domain name holders have had to wait until now.

It should make no difference otherwise.

For those in the UK enjoy the remainder of the Easter Bank Holiday.

And a big thank you to all those people who still have to go into work to provide essential services across Easter...

image from Pixabay