Sunday, 24 February 2019

Guest Q&A: Alex Gazzola...

Today I'm delighted to be welcoming journalist, author and writing tutor Alex Gazzola to Carol's Corner to answer a few questions on his writing and books.

Alex Gazzola
Welcome to my blog, Alex.

Q1. Readers may only associate you with your Mistakes Writers Make books and the blog of the same name, but there's another side to your non-fiction work that some readers may be unaware of. Please tell us more.

The Mistakes Writers Make work stems from my long period working as a non-fiction writing tutor for the Writers Bureau. I was giving so much advice to my hundreds of students that it seemed a shame not to rework some of that material into a blog and share it more widely to budding writers looking for guidance. But I started out as a writer of all sorts of non-fiction, before beginning to specialise in health and nutrition, and then narrowing my specialism further by focusing on allergies, intolerances and gut health.

Allergies and sensitivities interest me because so many people have them, and quite a few struggle to get a diagnosis, and to avoid exposure to their triggers. There are all sorts of very unusual reactions to hundreds of different ingredients – be they in food, cosmetics or household chemicals – and there is I think a shortage of information for those who deal with them.

I write for a few specialist publications, such as allergy websites and charity newsletters, but also post a lot on my own website, Allergy Insight ( I’ve also written several books – on coeliac disease and IBS, for instance.

Q2. You've recently updated and self-published in paperback through KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) your 50 Mistakes Beginner Writers Make and 50 More Mistakes Beginner Writers Make. What challenges were there in updating and self-publishing the books that you hadn't anticipated?

#Book 1

#Book 2
Actually, it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. KDP accepts documents in Word, which I’m very comfortable with, so there wasn’t too much trouble on that front. I think the only thing which was a bit fiddly was setting page numbering – it’s not always easy to format it as you want it or have the numbering start where you wish. The text I worked with was originally formatted for Kindle ebooks, so it required a little editing – for instance, removing the hyperlinks.
I had to write an index for each book’s print version, which took some time, but I’d always compiled my own indexes before, so again that was fine.

One problem was that I couldn’t find a way to use exactly the same cover image for both ebook and print book, so they’re slightly different, and I’m not fully satisfied with that, or with the designs. When I have more time I may try to improve on them.

Q3. Are there more books planned for this year – either writing or allergy related?

Yes, both. I’m working on the third book in the Mistakes Writers Make series, 50 Mistakes Writers Make, which is aimed at a more ‘intermediate’ level of non-fiction writer, who has perhaps read the first two and has had some success, but would now like a lot more! I might do a fourth, but I actually have other ideas for writing books which I’m more keen to pursue, and I’d like to update my Writing Your Non-Fiction Book ebook too.

As for allergy books, yes, I have lots of other ideas. I might do a book on understanding food and cosmetic ingredients and labels for people with allergies. I’m also interested in nickel allergy, which many women have, so I think a book on that is needed.

Q4. What essential piece of advice would you give to a writer who was considering writing a non-fiction book?

Whether you’re going the self-published route or via conventional publishing, you need a good idea. If it’s a niche subject but you’re sure there’s a dearth of information on it, then I would look at self-publishing. My latest book, on an allergy to a cosmetic preservative commonly called MI, has sold over 200 copies in just a few weeks – and I think it’s because there is no other book available on it. I’d say look for something unusual which you find interesting. If you think it’s more commercial, propose it to a mainstream publisher.

Either way, be aware that writing a book is a big job, that there is lots of research involved, but don’t be afraid of it. Break it down. Think of each chapter as a long article, perhaps. Also don’t feel obliged to start at the beginning. Knowing you have 30,000 words (or whatever) to write can cause you to freeze. Start in the middle if you like. Or write an ‘easy’ bit.

For my first book, I started by compiling some useful resources, I wrote the conclusion, I wrote the introduction, and a few other random odds and ends, before eventually pulling them together into what turned out to be the book. If the word ‘book’ or even ‘manuscript’ intimidates you, then just think ‘articles’, or ‘text’, or ‘bits of writing’ or whatever it takes … You can do it!

Alex's Mistakes Writers Make book series are also available as e-books...


Thank you Alex. I'm sure you'll have inspired more writers to start that non-fiction book they've thought about but never taken the next step...

It was Alex who encouraged me to approach the editor of Writing Magazine last year which led to my Womag Rights article appearing a few weeks later in the September issue.

On the 1st March over on Patsy Collins' blog Words about writing and writing about words, Alex's answers to the questions from a blog post earlier in February will be posted (the post a question option is now closed, but you will be able to read his answers on Friday).

Comments on my blog posts are always welcome...

Monday, 11 February 2019

Scrivener: My Progress So Far...

Last month I downloaded Scrivener.

I was warned it is a steep learning curve but taking the time to watch the videos and work through the tutorial is definitely worth doing. The basics start to stick- well some of them!

So far I've written chapter 10 on it. Admittedly it's a short chapter and was originally in chapter 9...

The issues so far have been remembering where certain things are, but that's probably more to do with having used Word for so many years.

Then there's how to delete something in the side bar that's wrong- it must be in the settings somewhere.

The Manual which you just click on- good- has a well set out index- also good- but sometimes it's hard to find the simple things, almost as if it makes the assumption that it's so obvious it doesn't need more detailed explanation (of course it may just be me).

Writing in a different font has definitely helped and my short chapter 10 didn't seem to take as long to type out (considering I can't touch type) but I was keeping the format simple.

I liked being able to switch to the cork board easily and back to the text without having to worry about losing anything meanwhile. Though I do think I'm going to need to watch the video on the cork board section again as I think I'm missing a stage somewhere.

I've still got trial days left and I'm now 50/50 about whether I will go on to purchase Scrivener or not.

Suspect how well I get on with the next two chapters will be the deciding factor...

image from