Monday 11 February 2019

Scrivener: My Progress So Far...

Last month I downloaded Scrivener.

I was warned it is a steep learning curve but taking the time to watch the videos and work through the tutorial is definitely worth doing. The basics start to stick- well some of them!

So far I've written chapter 10 on it. Admittedly it's a short chapter and was originally in chapter 9...

The issues so far have been remembering where certain things are, but that's probably more to do with having used Word for so many years.

Then there's how to delete something in the side bar that's wrong- it must be in the settings somewhere.

The Manual which you just click on- good- has a well set out index- also good- but sometimes it's hard to find the simple things, almost as if it makes the assumption that it's so obvious it doesn't need more detailed explanation (of course it may just be me).

Writing in a different font has definitely helped and my short chapter 10 didn't seem to take as long to type out (considering I can't touch type) but I was keeping the format simple.

I liked being able to switch to the cork board easily and back to the text without having to worry about losing anything meanwhile. Though I do think I'm going to need to watch the video on the cork board section again as I think I'm missing a stage somewhere.

I've still got trial days left and I'm now 50/50 about whether I will go on to purchase Scrivener or not.

Suspect how well I get on with the next two chapters will be the deciding factor...

image from


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. Still unsure as to whether I will bother. I would prefer to have someonr there to guide me.

Julia Thorley said...

Well done for persevering - but it all sounds very complicated to me.

Carolb said...

Julia- it's actually quite straight-forward once you learn the basics. But I would say it's probably better for a planner rather than a pantser.

Anonymous- there are lots of videos on YouTube and you can get help via the Literature&Latte website forum. Also have a look at Anne Rainbow's Scrivener Virgin site.

penandpaints said...

Hi Carol
Good luck with it, it's hard work getting used to a new system! I'm struggling with photoshop at the moment! (book cover)
Nice to meet you!

Carolb said...

Hello penandpaints, thanks for dropping by. I think we find some things easier than others and it's always the essential one we struggle with the most. :D

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Really interested in how you're getting on, Carol. I don't think I ever finished my trial session a few years back as I couldn't be bothered sticking with it. Maybe another go...? Will see what you decide.

Carolb said...

Rosemary- I looked at Scrivener a few years ago but it was brain-freezing. But now that I'm further on with my novels I can see how helpful it can be, and I think it may just be that now I have found my way of working, Scrivener makes more sense to me.

Having spoken to two friends who have been using Scrivener for a while, they were able to explain what I wasn't sure of. So I'm feeling more confident with it.

Alex G said...

I wish I was experimental with writers' software and technology in general but I'm so 'safe' so I do admire anyone who gives things like this a go!

Carolb said...

Alex G- I'm willing to try technology out when I need to change from an old system, but I wouldn't be one of the advance party with something entirely new- I'm not that brave. :D

I'm now finding my way around the basic stuff on Scrivener and more convinced I can work well with it.