Thursday, 7 January 2016

Getting Back Into Routine...

The first week back after major holiday times is always difficult for me. My regular routines are not all quite back in place yet.

So I'm easing myself back into the writing process this week.

I've dug out the short story I need to revamp for sending off. I must get my editing pens out and mark up the manuscript for changes- among them taking out repeated words in close proximity. Distance really does help the editing process.

At the moment I'm judging one of the quarterly prose competitions at the writers' club. So it's actually helpful I haven't completely slipped into full editing mode yet.

After the session I did on character bios (last year) I agreed to judge one of the members competitions on this subject. I wanted to be able to believe that their character could be out there, and those who have taken up the challenge have done well. I just need to finish the comments and print them out so they can be returned at this month's meeting, and the winner announced.

Then I have an entry to do for the club's winter prose competition. The words are swirling around my brain in quiet moments, so that will get done before mid-March when it has to be submitted.

There I was thinking I was being lazy... :D

Working time...

Image courtesy of supakitmod &


Teresa Ashby said...

You sound busy, Carol! Definitely not being lazy! Happy New Year xx

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Sometimes, it's only when we write down what we're doing that we see how busy we are! All the best with your projects, Carol.

Patsy said...

I don't really have a routine to be taken out of or to get back into, but I did have a break over Christmas and it's surprisingly easy to get into the habit of not writing.

Seaview said...

You already sound busy!

Hope 2016 is happy and productive, Carole.


Maggie May said...

I think routine is really important but so difficult to get back into after a break. I went out and bought two short story mags today just to get me back in the swing. Great to see Patsy, Teresa and Helen with stories in there. You sound very busy to me.

Angela Barton said...

It's great that you have work to edit and good luck in the winter comp. I found it very difficult to judge work, because sometimes you feel like reading different genres when you're in different moods. I suppose it's a bit like submitting to an agent and not knowing what mood she'll be in when she picks up your submission. I think I've caught them all in bad moods!! X

Wendy's Writing said...

Like you, I am easing myself into the writing new year gently.

Carolb said...

Happy New Year, Teresa. :)

Carolb said...

Thanks, Rosemary.

It's true that we don't realise how busy we are until we stop and put it all down in writing.

Hope all goes well with your 2016 projects too. :)

Carolb said...

I so agree, Patsy. The first week or two back is hard, getting my brain back into construction mode. :D

Carolb said...

Thanks, Marion.

All the best for your projects in 2016. :)

Carolb said...

I have a pile of magazines to catch up on reading, Maggie- the intention was to start on them over the Christmas holidays, but somehow I didn't get around to it.

Always good to see the names and stories of writer friends in magazines. :)

Carolb said...

Thanks, Angela.

I think I compartmentalise my brain as I know I can't write a story if I'm still in editing mode, while judging I need both working together.

Wish you luck with your continuing agent hunt, and hope this year will be the one. :)

Carolb said...

I'm sure you will have done more than me by now, Wendy, I'm a slow typer. ;)