Sunday, 25 August 2019

Almost There...

One week to go to my final deadline.

Today (Sunday) I've done about seven hours at the keyboard- obviously I did get up to make coffee and eat an occasional snack- okay there was a few pieces of dark chocolate involved. The result was the completion of Chapter 23.

My antagonist gets punched in the nose by my hero- with justifiable cause...

I'm at the stage of tying the various strands together in these last chapters.

I know some of the strands are still vague in the first half (I'll have to sort those out in the next draft) and they'll definitely need a lot of attention. I might have to try working backwards...

The downside of getting my submission in so close to the deadline for the RNA's New Writers' Scheme is I'll have a longer wait for the reader's comments to come back, but it gives me time to develop a couple of future stories.


My first draft had 17 chapters; by the time the second draft is finished it will be at least 25 chapters and approximately 50,000 words.

 Normal blogging about a variety of subjects, annual book related events and topics will resume as soon as I have my partial submitted- and I decompress.

Almost there...


6 comments: said...

Wishing you luck with the sorting, Carol, I too struggle with bringing everything together, but it is easier the more we do this 🌹

Carolb said...

Thanks. I've added another chapter today tying in a few more strands- one I hadn't realised either.

But I've hit my personal deadline- the big love scene won't make the partial submission sadly, but I've done a day's writing and it's quite tiring.

Julia Thorley said...

Hang in there, Carol!

Carolb said...

Julia- Thanks. My self-imposed deadlines has made me work harder. :-)

Liz Young said...

Seven hours at the keyboard? Flipping heck!! My back would be a wreck :( Hope it's worth it in the end, Carol X

Carolb said...

Liz Y- I did get up quite a few times- coffee and the bathroom were essentials. It got necessary words written so that was worth the hours.x