Sunday, 6 January 2019

Starting the Year Positively...

Did you have a good New Year? I spent it very quietly at home...

I'm very happy to say that I've started 2019 well as I've already fulfilled one of my plans for this year.

As my computer time clock went from 11.59 to 12.00 on the 2nd January, I pressed send on my prepared email and crossed my fingers that I'd get a place on the Romantic Novelists' Association New Writers' Scheme.

A little later I received the email confirming a place. My paperwork and payment were done the next day and confirmed, so I'm now official...

I have until the end of August to get my manuscript in for critiquing, but I don't want to leave it to then.

I know it may seem strange joining a new writers' scheme when I'm not actually a new writer.

Although I've won the NWC Mary Street Memorial Shield three times now, each of those entries have only been a synopsis and the first three chapters of a romance novel- each one set in a different time period to the others!

But it's a big difference between producing a complete novel and just a part of it, which is why the RNA's scheme is an important step.

Despite all the good things that happened last year there was also a lot of stressful things going on in the background and I lost six months not being able to work on the novel as intensively as I'd intended.

Perseverance is the word to remember when your writing plans go askew and that's what I've been doing. I took the time to consider my options and take a new route to my destination...

There's going to have to be a few other changes to my commitments, though they will be phased in.

I may even do short updates on my progress as the six months pass...

Another day to write approaches...



Bea Charles said...

Well done on such a good start to the year. I agree perseverance is important. So too is flexibility when real life gets in the way of our writing plans. Hope 2019 continues in such a positive way for you.

Carolb said...

Thanks Bea. Hope your 2019 will be brilliant too.x

Julia Thorley said...

You're like one of the showbiz 'Best Newcomers' who's actually been working away for years. Well done!

Carolb said...

Julia- thanks, that's a lovely thought. Yes, I've been learning my craft over time and am now ready for the next step. :-)

The Sicilian Mama said...

Well done for getting a place in the New Writers' Scheme! I had guests for lunch so I set my email to be sent automatically at 12.00 only to find, at 14.00, that the computer had gone to sleep and never sent it! By that time, it was too late, of course. Enjoy the NWS for me too, and I'll enjoy success by proxy ;-) xx

Carolb said...

Sicilian Mama- so sorry you had that technical glitch and consequently didn't get a place.

You might find it helpful meanwhile to find out if there's an RNA Chapter you can get to, most welcome non-members and I've learnt so much, as well as the encouragement to try for a place of the New Writers' Scheme this year.

Hope you get in next year.x

The Sicilian Mama said...

Thank you, I will:-)

Patsy said...

I hope you enjoy being part of the NWS.

Carolb said...

Patsy- thank you. It will keep me moving forward toward my goal. :-)