Monday, 30 November 2015

Full Speed to Christmas...

Only 25 days to go...

Despite saying last year I'd start my Christmas shopping and card writing early, I haven't.

Honestly, the last months creeps up on you, and you wake up one Monday morning (today) and realise the countdown to Christmas has begun!!!

Though every time I cross something off my to do list, another task gets added.

My shredder has stopped working- so I've got to chase up the manufacturer- as it's not a year old yet. But of course, it happens when there's old, old paperwork to be cleared out.

I have a final few things to do for Awards Night on Wednesday. There's competition entries to be returned to members, along with the comments from the judges. So I have to sort them out.

It's always pleasing to look around the meeting room and notice a writer motionless, their head bent over their manuscript reading the comments, while around them there's noise and movement that they're oblivious to. Then when they look up there's a smile of pleasant surprise, that even though they didn't win they can work on improving the piece.

Until the New Year I'll be posting weekly- as I need to fit in all those regular Christmas tasks over the next 3 weeks.

If you've been doing NaNoWriMo, congratulations. Even if you didn't reach the target amount by today, 30th November, you'll still have learnt a lot from it, and have a story with potential waiting to be discovered.

Right, I'm off to get on with that list... :D


Teresa Ashby said...

I love your description of the motionless writer :-) xx

Rosemary Gemmell said...

I'm always amazed at the sudden rush of time taking us into December. I usually think I'me organised and then discover I'm not at all! Enjoy Awards Night - it's our Christmas party meeting at the writing group on Tuesday before we have a short break until January.

Patsy said...

I've learned from Nano - mainly that it isn't really for me! Still, I got a few words added to my total and I can do something different next November.

Carolb said...

Thanks, Teresa.
I'm sure it all comes from being writers, we notice the things that are different from everything else, and our mind hones in on it. :)

Carolb said...

Thanks, Rosemary.

Hope your group's party went well. It's a fun way to round of the year and look forward to the potential of the next one. :-)

I'm always behind in the Christmas organisation...

Carolb said...

I know exactly what you mean, Patsy.

The important thing is to keep writing, whatever it may be. :-)