Monday, 6 August 2012

I Should be on Holiday...

But I'm not.

After getting most of my office organised- apart from a few bits and pieces that are elsewhere and currently inaccessible- OH and I are on a big sort and reorganise session.

Now I know lots of this should have been done years ago, but young children take up time and it's only now that they are old enough to help (after all a lot of the items downstairs are actually theirs in the first place) and tolerate the disruption that the reorganisation is underway.

Among my discoveries are postcards from various museums I've visited, interesting rooms set out for specific occasions or time periods- and I now have a box for all my postcards, with room for more.

Old pictures and articles with interesting images or information- just the sort of stuff to inspire any writer. (And yes I have boxes for them too.)

There's a lot of old paperwork from the late 90's that is now shredded paper and gone to be recycled at the tip- known nowadays as the recycling centre.

As I've been sorting items they've brought back memories, incidents and people long gone, but not really forgotten. And I'm sure they will pop up in my future writing somewhere...

The six weeks between the end of July and early September has usually been the time when I could recharge my creative batteries that are on low by July, and I usually do research while I'm getting back to full charge.

This year is different, I'm getting organised.

It's the start of a new future...


Patsy said...

Good luck with the getting organised It's not my strong point so I can't offer advice - instead I'm awarding you the sunshine award (details over on my blog)

Diane Fordham said...

Good on you Carol. I think getting organised is supposed to help us feel more in control of our lives... Mmmm perhaps I should get organised. You have inspired me. Thank you!

Carolb said...

Thank you, Patsy. I'll have to get my thinking cap on.

Being in control if you're organised does help at times, Diane.
Compared to the rest of the living/dining room area at the moment, my office section is a haven of calm...

Maxi said...

Sounds like you're really getting organised there now, Carol! That's great news (and glad you are getting a hand from the family too!)

Carolb said...

Thanks, Maxi.
I will be ready to dive back into writing as soon as the family start college and I get longer quiet days to write.