Thursday, 11 November 2010

Never to be Forgotten

Today we remember the dead of past wars and those that are dying in conflicts now.

I thought that I would bring a particular website to your attention. It's the War Graves Photographic Project.

"The aim of The War Graves Photographic Project is to photograph every war grave, individual memorial, MoD grave, and family memorial of serving military personnel from WWI to the present day and make these available within a searchable database."

Volunteers photograph the graves and memorials for inclusion in the project and it will obviously take quite a while if they are to achieve their aim, "to photograph in excess of 1.75 million graves or memorials from Commonwealth Nations and many from other military forces around the world."

I posted the link for the website on a writers forum I belong to and a member was able to send the link with the picture of a relative's grave to another family member.

Many of us will have had an ancestor in the armed forces during the First or Second World War- in my own family history one of my grandfather's and two great uncles fought. One of those great-uncles lies in Artillery Wood Cemetary in Belguim.

So please support this project...


Helen Baggott said...

A wonderful project. And another positive benefit of the internet.

Carolb said...

I agree with that Helen. I know my local cemetary has a small area with military gravestones in it, so I will investigate in the better weather.