Remember the Get Your Stiletto in the Door Competition run by Chick-Lit Writers of the World in conjunction with the Romance Writers of America?
The Finalists in the various categories should have been announced by now, but there was a high number of entries overall and a few judges seemingly pulled out -understandably creating a delay.
Hopefully the finalists lists will soon be announced. I know someone who has recently been told by e-mail she is a finalist in the YA category, but doesn't know more than this. So keep checking their website for an announcement soon.
Sadly the continuing bad weather has led to the cancellation of Nottingham Writers' Club Awards Night on the 1st December, so my learning the written comments of the judges of my novel competition entries will be delayed until early January 2011.
I'm disappointed, but delays happen for writers.
Meanwhile The Bad Sex in Fiction prize was awarded to Rowan Somerville for his second book 'The Shape of Her'. This was presented by Michael Winner.
(I wonder what the winner gets? A trophy, a certificate, a large bottle of something alcoholic to drown their sorrows, or celebrate. )
Alastair Campbell's appeared in the media a few days before saying he would like to win the award. It seems his enthusiasm may have put the judges off...But at least he can say he got to the shortlist unlike Mr T Blair.
Well there's always next year...
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