Saturday, 16 May 2015

Guest Posting on Womagwriter's Blog

You may be familiar with the womagwriter's blog that was originally run by Kath McGurl, and now is under the safe wings of Patsy Collins.

Today (16th) I'm guest posting on the womagwriter's blog about joining the ALCS - and hopefully dispelling the myth some writers may have that it's complicated.

Membership of the ALCS (Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society) has been increasing each year as word spreads, but I'm sure there are still writers who qualify, but haven't joined yet.

I hope you'll pop over and leave a comment, or any questions...


Patsy said...

And a very good guest post it is!

Carolb said...

Thank you, Patsy. :-)

I hope it will encourage writers, who may not have realised they qualify, to join.
With the decline in writers' incomes ALCS payments can make a difference.

Maxi said...

Congrats on the guest post, Carol. I shall nip over and take a look now - this is an area I really don't understand so it will be good to get some info on it,

Carolb said...

Thank, Maxi.

There are still lots of writers who have work that qualifies, but don't realise. My piece is a straight-forward information on joining, but you'll find plenty of information on the ALCS website that will help you.