Thursday, 26 March 2015

It's Conference Saturday Soon...

This Saturday I'm off to The Writers' Conference in Nottingham. It's been held annually for quite a few years now, but this will be the first time I've attended. I leave the men of the family at home too.

The East Midlands has a strong writing community, so events like this conference are well attended and book up early.

As with other literary events there are one-to-ones - I'm not ready for that stage just yet. And the two workshops taking place booked up very quickly, and I missed out on the one I would have been interested in.

There are lots of informative panels too, so I'm going to be kept occupied...

The keynote speakers are Maureen Duffy and Kerry Young. While the Chair of the Conference is Stephen Booth, the successful crime fiction author of the Cooper and Fry series.

There are three panels running in each 45 minute slot, and it's a case of being there in good time to ensure you get in to the one you want.

Unfortunately it looks like there might be some disappointed writers for the seminar on the Importance of the Synopsis, as this does have a more limited capacity apparently - so fingers crossed.

There are other events and services running throughout the day. I won't be using the Poetry Surgery, but if I'm at a loose end I'll pop into the Blogging Booth.

I suspect the panel, 'Why is Having an Agent Important?' will be another popular event.

This year's conference is sold out, so make sure you're on the mailing list for notification next year if you're interested.

I'll tell you how the day went in my next post on Sunday...



Patsy said...

Hope you're having fun, Carol. I look forward to hearing how it went and hopefully picking up a few tips.

Nicola said...

Sounds great, Carol. I do love it when writers congregate. It always leaves me feeling motivating and itching to get home and write. Have a great time!!

Nicola said...

Terrible English there - sorry! That obviously should read 'motivated'. Must get these fingers to brain joints oiled. :)

Carolb said...

It was a very good day, Patsy, and I made lots of notes, so have plenty to share. :-)

Carolb said...

I was a brilliant day, Nicola, and I have to say the atmosphere was buzzing between panels, workshops and seminars. Everywhere you looked there was conversations taking place.

The best thing about it is that we're all equals, whatever our publishing, or non-publishing, status. :-)

Carolb said...

Don't worry, I know what you meant.

I often catch the key next to the letter I intend to hit, so have to check I haven't added an odd f or j to words. :-)

Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading about the day.