Wednesday 21 January 2015

Virtual Romance Festival Back...

Just seen the news that the HarperCollins Virtual Romance Festival is returning for a second year- save the weekend dates of the 7th and 8th February in your diary.

I've just registered for the event- it's free.

As last year, one day will be aimed at writers, and the other for readers.

Again events will take place on Facebook, Twitter, the Festival's Wordpress site, and Google Hangouts.

Last year the Wordpress site got temporarily shut down, so hopefully that won't happen this time, as it kept everyone up to the moment on who was where...

Most of the 2014 writers day I spent on Facebook; as there was a different person/subject every hour, and I found it very useful. Lots of writers asking questions and sharing their experiences and thoughts.

And experts generously sharing their expertise and answering the barrage of questions.

Twitter was a bit too fast paced for me to keep up with that as well, but I was able to access many of the other events I missed from the links in the emails sent, and the Wordpress site when it was back up and running.

This announcement on the Bookseller website will give you some general information, and includes the link to the Eventbrite page to register.

Bookseller article with Eventbrite link, here.

If you're on Facebook you can like their RomanceFestival page.

So often it can be difficult for writers to get to Festivals and Conferences in person, so this virtual event is a fantastic opportunity to take part without leaving home.

If you missed last year's festival in June, then here's my blog post from last year sharing my experience of the writers day.

If you go, enjoy every busy minute. :-)


Wendy's Writing said...

Thanks for this information, Carol - the festival sounds great!

Patsy said...

Thanks, Carol. I signed up last year but didn't have internet access for most of it. Hopefully I'll do better this time.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

I really enjoyed this last year so I'll probably sign up again!

Carolb said...

It was great fun, Wendy, and the writers day was very helpful. :-)

Carolb said...

I remember that now you mention it, Patsy. Fingers crossed for this time. :-)

Carolb said...

I enjoyed it too, Rosemary. There was such a variety, and the fact I could go in and out of different items across the afternoon was helpful.

Do sign up for this year if you can. :-)

Nicola said...

That's something you can look forward to, Carol. Hope you have a fabulous time. Let us know :)

Carolb said...

Thanks, Nicola, I will probably blog about the writers day this year. :)