Sunday, 11 January 2015

Being More Productive - Otherwise Known as Stop Wasting Time...

Trying to be more productive is the operative phrase for me at the moment.

I've found a writing system that seems to fit me, and now I just need to improve my word count...

Sadly life- or actually other people, over whom I have no control, can and will get in the way.

So to cut down on the opportunities for procrastination and make the most of the time I do have I'm going to keep a desk diary, not just a bag diary.

My printer gives me access to lots of online templates and they have printable diaries. I know I could set a desktop one, but I wouldn't see that once my browser is open, so I'm going to try a paper one that can be stuck up within my eye line.

No idea how it will work, but it will certainly help by reminding me sooner that I have appointments coming up, and not agreeing to do other things the same week I'm already busy- which is happening at the moment.

And if you need ideas on how to be more productive then I can certainly recommend 'Give Up Ironing - A Writer's Guide to Time Management' by Kathleen McGurl.

I certainly recognised a few elements I could improve on- box sets, in my case NCIS, I will say no more... :(

Anything you can recommend to improve writing output?


Patsy said...

Restricting time spent, or rather wasted, on the internet is one of my aims. I spend too much time looking at stuff I'm not really that interested in.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

It's an ongoing battle, Carol! I started last week deciding not to go on to any social media until lunch time so I could concentrate on writing - have already fallen down on that today!

Carolb said...

I know just what you mean, Patsy, but then there are other times when it has been very useful and it's provided helpful info.

Like diets, moderation in all things. :)

Carolb said...

I always find Monday's difficult to restrict my social media use, so you're not alone, Rosemary.

There's always tomorrow. :-)

Nicola said...

I am a hige fan of NCIS. I have found an excuse to watch it without feeling guilty that I shouldn't be sat drooling over the sexy Mark Harmon. I watch it whilst ironing. Ironing has never been so enticing :):) My time has been strongly affected by my return to a full time teaching position. I had forgotten how much time planning and prep takes!!! So I am having to rejig my brain timetable. I'll let you know how goes - its not gone anywhere this week apart from BED! :) Good luck with your new calendar, Carol.

Nicola said...

The tiredness - obviously that should say 'huge' fan :)

Carolb said...

I'm limiting myself with the box sets. At the weekend when it's too noisy to work and I have a little free time, I put the next disc on- I've got one disc from series 4 to watch.

Sadly Mark Harmon does nothing for me, but he does seem popular with lots of ladies. :D

Hope your return to teaching doesn't rail-road your writing completely, Nicola.