Friday, 6 December 2013

Awards Night at the Writers' Club...

Another Awards Night has been and gone.

Now this year I was in the running for the Nottingham Writers' Club, Writer of the Year Award. This is for the four winners of the club's quarterly prose competitions (from Autumn last year to Summer this year).

Unfortunately because of unforeseen delays- more than one of them in fact- the judge wasn't able to get the result back in time, so no one yet knows who won.

There are actually only three writers this time, as I won two of the four competitions- still amazed at that.

So it will be January before the winner is announced and the trophy presented. And that will be mid-month, as our regular first meeting in January next year is New Year's Day! So no meeting as the venue is closed due to it being a public holiday.

After the awards are presented, and the food is eaten, the competitive and humorous nature of the writers starts to emerge with the quiz and games.

The social secretary, Pat, puts together a simple, but fiendish quiz of questions about what has been in the news during the year- it is amazing how many things you forget, and how many minor facts get remembered...:-)

All I am going to say is never invite any of us to do Countdown...Not unless you've handed us the rulebook and stood over us while we've read it!

As it was a party I dressed up- I've got to get some use out of my Festival of Romance Ball outfit...

Glammed up...
Despite the delays in the trophy presentation- there were a couple of others who were also away and couldn't receive theirs either- I did receive a gift card for my two first place wins.

Now it's back to reality and the Christmas to do list...


Helen Baggott said...

Sounds great - and you do look glam!

Keith Havers said...

Glad you had a good time. Sorry I couldn't be there this year. Sounds like Pat was on form with the entertainment as usual. See you in January.

Patsy said...

That's a proper party outfit!

Rosemary Gemmell said...

What a shame you have to wait for the results, Carol. Lovely outfit and photo!

liz young said...

I love the lacy look, Carol. Your quiz would floor me as I rarely read a newspaper - all we get here is the Sun printed in Spain and I'm now spending nearly three euros a day on that!

Carolb said...

Thank you for the compliments on my glam look, Helen, Patsy, Rosemary and Lizy.

You missed all the fun, Keith. :-) See you in January.

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all...