Saturday, 27 July 2013

Getting Brave- A Submission...

Not sure what has changed, but I'm finally feeling brave enough to start sending my short stories and flash fiction out into the world.

So far I've sent an entry into the Wells Literary Festival short story competition- closes on the 31st July so you still have time to enter online if you're interested.

Today I sent a piece of flash fiction off to e-zine CafeLit. Submission details here.

I have looked at it before but never felt I was good enough- lots of writers feel like that at some time I'm sure.

But I decided this little piece of flash fiction might fit. I suppose it's a slightly quirky story.

At the Fringe event at Lowdham last month, when I read it to an audience, I referred to it as the 'underwear story', especially for the males in the audience who may have never come across shapewear before, or even known that's what it's called!

It's surprising what unusual items can create a story... :D

Now I have to get on with life while I await a yea or nay on my submission.

While I hope it gets a yes, I'm realistic enough to accept that it may be a rejection. That is the less pleasant aspect of the writers' life.

But at least the waiting for an answer time, is very much shorter than for some magazines...

I decided that this year I'd take up opportunities that arise, even if they weren't in my plan for the year.

I'll let you know the good or bad news when it happens...


Lorraine and Steve said...

Putting that tiny part of yourself out there for a critical eye to consider is amazingly difficult, Carol. Well done! Now forget all about this one and move on: you won't alter the decision that's eventually made by worrying or waiting, but you could be writing something else. Good luck!

Teresa Ashby said...

I'm very glad to hear that you're sending your work out, Carol.

Good luck :-) x

Patsy said...

Well done for sending your work out - that should greatly help its chances of being accepted!

liz young said...

Well done Carol - I've been meaning to check them out. Do they only take 100 words?

Carolb said...

Thanks Lizy. They will take different lengths. I think their submission guidelines said 3,000 words was the maximum.

But shorter pieces seem to be popular with many writers. So good luck if you decide to submit too. :-)

Thanks, Patsy. ;)

Thanks, Teresa. I've finally got up the courage to send stuff out again. Onward and upward. :-)

You're so right, Lorraine. And I have plenty to do to keep me out of mischief in the meantime. Thanks. :-)

Rena George said...

Good for you, Carol. That's another writing hurdle conquered. Good luck!

Carolb said...

Thanks, Rena. Each new submission experience is getting less scary. :-)

Rosemary Gemmell said...

So pleased you're sending your work out, Carol - I'm sure you'll enjoy sending even more after this!

Jennifer Lee Thomson, Jenny Thomson said...

I'm such a scaredy cat when it comes to sending out work. I have to get my other half to shout out 'send' before I press that button to send an email:)

Good luck, Carol:)

Carolb said...

Now I've sent a couple of things out it doesn't seem as scary any more, Rosemary. :)

Thanks, Jenny. Yes, actually pressing the send button is the eeek moment for me.:-)