Monday, 5 November 2012

An Exciting Week Begins...

The countdown to the launch of the One Word Challenge Anthology e-book begins today.

This is a very exciting week for me, as I have four pieces of micro fiction included in this e-book- two are by my alternative writing persona, Serena Lake.

And the very best bit of all, beside the price (99p direct) is that 10% of the cover price of each e-book will go to Medical Detection Dogs, a charity that trains dogs to assist people with life-threatening conditions.

Fantastic cover image by Marion Clarke
But I'm getting ahead of myself...

The book will be available to buy in a few days, direct from Alfie Dog Fiction.

It will also be available from Amazon and Smashwords but there's no definite date yet for those. (But I'll add links and prices when they become available.)

(Buying direct from the publisher will ensure the charity gets more.)

I'm one of 30 writers who have contributed to the anthology, so expect to see other bloggers posting, tweeting and taking about it on Facebook as the week progresses.

As the official launch is Monday 12th November, you're all invited to the virtual launch party I'm holding here.

Lola the Diabetic Alert Dog
A couple of days before, 9th/10th, I'll be bringing you an interview with one of the other writers' involved, Catherine Dalling.

If you want to find out more about the Medical Detection Dogs charity that the anthology is donating to, please look here.

(Lola belongs to one of the writers in the anthology; and the Talkback Writers have followed her progress through initial training to passing her final qualifications.)

More news in a few days...

A little bit about the book


Helen Baggott said...

This really is exciting news for all concerned. Let's hope it sells well and we help more people to live a happier life with their own 'Lola'.

Patsy said...

Best of luck with this, Carol.

Carolb said...

Thank you, Helen and Patsy.

It's such a good cause, and at the same time the generous readers will get a great selection of stories and poems to read.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Enjoy every minute, Carol - it's always good to support a worthy cause too!

Anonymous said...

I'm so pleased to be part of this project, Carol. I will try to make the launch party on Monday - hope office attire is acceptable as I'll be sneaking out of work! :]


Angela Barton said...

Well done for having your work published Carol. I hope the book sells well and I for one will be purchasing a copy. X

Lexia257 said...

Well done, Carol.
I also am very proud to be a part of this.
Thought it was never going to come about, what with one thing and another... but here it is ! :)

Carolb said...

Thank you, Rosemary.
I've been surprised how much fun all the pre-launch efforts have been despite the hard work...

Seaview, congratulations on your valuable contributions to the anthology. I'm looking forward to reading everyones stories and poems.
You can wear whatever you like to the launch- that's the fortunate aspect of a virtual book launch, no one can see what you're wearing. :-)

Congratulations, Lexia. You have played a very big part in getting this project started, and ready for our publisher.
Looking forward to Monday.

liz young said...

I'm rooting for you too, Carol - and for the Anthology of course - so much talent in a small book!

Carolb said...

Thank you, Lizy. And you are right there is a lot of talent among the writers in the anthology.
It will be great to not only help a great cause-Medical Detection Dogs- but bring new writers to the readers notice.

Maxi said...

Best of luck with this, Carol! Great cause too - I think these dogs are amazing and make an unbelievable difference to people's lives, who would otherwise be almost, if not entirely, housebound. And Lola is totally adorable! What a gorgeous girl :)