Thursday, 12 April 2012

Commenting Problems Anyone?

A writer friend has let me know that she tried commenting on my blog a number of times and her message wasn't getting through.

So, I've removed the horrid Captcha and put comments on Moderated for the moment. I check my blog regularly so if you comment and you don't see your message after a couple of days please let me know, using the address on the right hand side of the page.

Sadly my blog gets frequent visits from spam websites (hence the moderation for the time-being) even though I don't click on those sites when they appear in my stats.

So thank you for visiting and reading, and I hope to read your comments soon. :)


Diane Fordham said...

Testing, testing, testing... just checking if this gets through :-)

Steven Chapman said...

Is this a trick question? Comment if you're having problems commenting? :P

liz young said...

Hi Carol - nipped over from Talkback to see if I can leave a comment @ 10.30am x liz

Keith Havers said...

I got rid of the Word Verification a few weeks ago and have had no spam appear yet. I presume Blogger is sending it into a black hole somewhere.

Carolb said...

Apparently there has been a problem this week with comments and stats- see here:
this is the Real Blogger Status blog, and I always find it's useful to refer to.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

I completely got rid of the captcha ages ago and have no moderation. Blogger has been excellent so far at sending all spam to the 'spam bin'!

The other thing I had to try ages ago was changing the box of comments from the foot of the page to open in another window - and I know several other people had to do the same. That worked much better.

Carolb said...

I'm going to try it without moderation for a day or two and see how it goes.

Yes the comments opening in another window has solved the problems for a lot of blogger.

Thanks, Rosemary.

Maxi said...

Hope the comments situation has resolved itself now

Anonymous said...

I have recently started a blog, the information you provide on this website has helped me greatly. Thank you for all of your time & work.