Thursday 14 April 2011

Creativity Strikes Anywhere...

I'm a bit late in posting my mid-week blog because I was at an open evening yesterday. One of my sons is looking at potential courses for autumn next year, so I went with him to the local further education college to find out about Computer Games Development.

Actually there are some similarities between creating a game and creating a story.They both start with ideas and inspirations. They need to be developed and if something doesn't work you go back a couple of stages and try something else, or make alterations to something you have that is good but just isn't quite right. You revise and fine tune until eventually the game/story is ready.

The only difference is that I can understand the terms used in writing, whereas gaming terminology goes completely over my head. I just sat there while my son and the tutor talked in phrases that meant very little to me... :-)

But it must have done some good because today my brain has been working.

Now I have always found cooking dinner to be a creative time- combining ingredients to make something delicious and satisfying.  So as I was putting together a chicken casserole two of my vague characters moved into my conscious. I now know the circumstances that gets them together, some of the back story and the conflicts. So now I need to find suitable names and what they look like...

Some writers report they get ideas develop when they're out walking, or even when they're ironing, so I've learnt to accept this as normal and not to let anyone or anything distract me until I've written it down. Hence the reason for notebooks in my handbag, by the television or near the computer...

So at least it's been a productive few days...


CekaTB said...

You're right, Carol (as you often are!) - we just have to accept that inspiration/creativity comes when it feels like it and not when we do ...

Carolb said...

Thanks Ceka. I seem to get more ideas in the spring and summer months compared to later in the year as well.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

I quite like doing something mundane like ironing, which allows my thoughts to wander. Only problem is that I tend to watch TV now because it's so boring a task!

Carolb said...

Yes ironing can be boring, Rosemary. I have a small steam press so I can get through the clothes pile quicker and still mind wander- I can't see the tv from the kitchen, so no distractions.