I've had a couple of days break, rewarding myself for all the words I've achieved by attending the Nottingham RNA Chapter meeting. I was late arriving due to public transport hold-ups and the very heavy rain, but the food was worth waiting for...
Plus I need to sort the next scene out in my brain as there's new snippets as well as the part from the first draft for this upcoming scene.
My week three word was peril...
My hard work reward... |
Of course she survived, but for a moment there it did actually make me shiver, which should be a good sign, but maybe that's because I could see it in my mind.
I need that effect on the reader too.
This week I'll be trying to put in even more writing time as other demands on my time are put on hold or scaled back.
By next weekend I'll know whether I will have the draft complete or almost completed, so I can get the submission formatted ready for sending in.
I do have an old synopsis for this novel saved so that will need updating but it means some time will be saved.
My word for week two is determination- mine and my hero's...