Monday 9 September 2013

Normal Routine is Resuming Slowly...

I always thought the six weeks school holiday was enough of a break from my term-time routine, but this has been the first summer since my sons started college, so I wasn't prepared for the 10+ weeks of having them around.

First my brain went onto go slow before finally grinding to a halt, only to perk back up at five and a half weeks ready for the new term...I will have to retrain my brain. :D

So today the first of the three went back to college; two more still to go.

My immediate plan is to get into a new routine to get as much writing time as possible, which is almost guaranteed to be disrupted for the first week or two...

Anyway, I will be sorting out the remainder of my holiday photos, so you will soon see some of the interesting things I saw in the Royal Armouries (Leeds) last month.

It's a fantastic place to visit, free entry- though they welcome donations- and you won't be disappointed in the variety.

More in my next post, but meanwhile here's a picture to start with...

Hall of Steel seen through the viewing mirror

Tuesday 27 August 2013

A News Flash...

Just had an e-mail to tell me my submission to Cafelit is up on the website and blog, so you can read it here.

It's called 'A Tight Squeeze', as you'll see why when you read the story.

It actually started out as a 200 word story for the One Word Challenge competition, on the Talkback forum of the writersonline website. The judge that month gave me some useful comments, so I did a rewrite of the first half of the story- a great improvement.

It's been a long month waiting, but it's wonderful to see even a short piece of my writing out in the world for people to read.

On target
I hope you enjoy reading it...

image courtesy of