Sunday 17 February 2013


This week is half term in the UK, so that means my writing time will be severely eaten into, but I hope to keep to my minimum writing target anyway.

Today I had one of those moments when a whole scene started playing in my head and there was no quiet to concentrate, the computer was in use by another family member, and everyone kept asking questions as I was desperately trying to hold onto the scene and stop it fading away, until I could get to my pen and notebook.

I lost some of the first bits of dialogue, but the important elements of the scene hung around long enough for me to write the basics...

It was actually the end of the novella, which has only been a vague point in the future. I knew there was a happy ending, and the big revelation that leads up to it, but hadn't been too concerned about it.

But clearly my brain has been working in the background anyway, and the content feels right.

Now I just have to get on with the bit in the middle... :-)

Now Blogger seems to have sorted out the accessing the elements, of the layout in my browser, issue. I am going to finish updating the blog.

So you may see some different styles being tried out in the coming week, while I decide what I like and what works for me.

Then I will have to start getting Serena's site sorted out...

Thursday 14 February 2013

It's Love-ly Thursday...

Happy Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's Day
My lovely other half bought me some 'Sweetheart' red roses last night at the supermarket, and this morning I got up to find
a lovely card and a box of Thorntons Classic Collection chocolates waiting for me... :-)

(He has a card and a hardback book awaiting
him when he gets home.)

I mentioned in my last post that I was still reading Erica James's 'The Real Katie Lavender'; now I've finished reading it, I can safely say there was a happy ending for her...

And if you want some freebie romance/romance intrigue e-books today (Thursday)
then Sally Quilford is your lady. Pop over to her blog to find out the specifics- and remember you don't need a Kindle to read them, you can download an app for your computer so you can read them that way.

As to the novella, progress is still being made. This week I've written the scene where Hugh and Sarah share their first kiss...

(You can track my weekly progress in the side bar, as I update it soon after my writing sessions.)

Have a great day...

image courtesy of Renjith Krishnan and