Monday 22 October 2012

Delays and Competition Reminders...

I had hoped to have completed the redesign of my blog by this week, but technology and the new Blogger interface have decided otherwise. It isn't as simple anymore...

So I think the changes will be occurring slowly.

Now for the competition reminders- just in case you missed them the first time round.

These are free to enter:

You only have until tomorrow ( 23rd) to get your 50 word ghost story competition entry submitted to The Times. Details here.

The competition closes at 5pm, and even though e-mails should be instant, they don't always arrive a moment later, so don't leave it to the last minute to press send.

A little longer for submission is the Mail on Sunday Novel Competition with a deadline of 29th October- but this is a postal entry only.

50-150 words of a novel opening using Train in it somewhere. Details here.

(You'll also find details of the Erewash Writers current competitions on the link above too.)

Entry fee competitions:

And finally the current Words with Jam competitions, closing on the 31st October. These can be entered online. You can find the details here.

Friday 19 October 2012

Looking at the Pocket Novel Replacement...

The Pocket Novel replacement Easy Read is now available in stores, and it really is a different item in appearance as well as texture.

It's also being sold in places that it didn't previously appear for sale, as I found today.

Popping into the Marks and Spencer food hall in the city centre (for my favourite bottle of wine and four in a pack chocolate éclairs) I passed the magazine display and there were the new reads. And yes they do stand out against the magazines behind them.

Knowing Sally Quilford was going to be one of the first authors in the new line I immediately reached  for her name before looking at the other offerings.

Romance with Liaison and Crime with Intrigue
Not only do they look like a book, but the cover feels like a paperback too.

(excuse the lack of correct colour in my picture, but I'm an amateur at Photoshop.)

The earlier change in cover design- which was an improvement- which had the thicker covers too, just didn't give the feeling of a book, unlike these new

Yes, they do make you think Mills and Boon when you look at them, but that
can't be all bad when you consider how well M&B books sell.

And with the current trend in black based covers for the latest trend- erotica- it's bound to get potential readers stopping to look at them.

These books certainly won't get their front covers damaged or creased as easily as the old paper pocket novels did.

In fact these could sit quite happily on a bookshelf alongside regular paperbacks.

The only complaint I do have, is that these new issues don't have the title/author name on the spine, so however you store them, you'll have to remember the number of your favourite for re-reading or be prepared to go through them all to find the one you want...

I haven't started reading either of my purchases yet, so how big a change there's been in substance I can't tell you.

But I do think they will be very popular, and with four to choose from each time, I'm sure everyone will find the one or ones they like.

If you pop over to Sally Quilford's blog you have the chance to win a signed copy of her Easy Read story, 'Bonfire Memories', the first in the Intrigue option.

If you've seen the new design in your local stores, how well displayed was it? Does it stand out against the products around it? Where has it actually been placed?

And if you've read any of the new stories what did you think of them?

I'm looking forward to reading your comments... :-)