Thursday 11 October 2012

I Try to be a Sweetie in Chocolate Week...

Thank you to the wonderful Patsy Collins- a real sweetie- for passing me the Super Sweet Blogging Award.

Now remember it is Chocolate Week. And if you've ever wondered about it's history, then you'll find some interesting facts here.

Now to answering the questions...

1. Cookies or cake?
    Has to be cake- love the smell of chocolate cake as it's cooking.

2. Chocolate or Vanilla?
    Chocolate, most certainly chocolate...

3. What is you favourite sweet treat?
    Choices, choices... A little bit of dark chocolate, preferably with a glass of Rosé.

4. When do you crave sweet things most?
    When I settle down to start writing.

5. If you had a sweet nickname what would it be?
    I don't think I dare answer that one... :-)

Now to pass this on to other sweet things. If you accept the mission then answer these same questions on your blog and pass it on.

(Patsy mentioned something about a Bakers dozen, but I think that's an unlucky number. And actually, one of my Grandfather's was a Baker...)

So I pass the sweet tray onto: Rosemary, Maxi, Angela -sorry I couldn't let you know, the captcha was not accepting me, Keith, Rosalie, Seaview, Alan and Lizy and finally, Fiona.

Now you may not want to take part, or do the post, so you can leave your answers in the comments form if you prefer.
Don't forget to collect the picture to add it to your blog. :-)

(I'd hoped to post this yesterday (Wednesday) but Blogger was refusing to let the links I'd put in, stay there. Glad to say it seems to have worked today...)

Monday 8 October 2012

Monday Thoughts...

Latest anthology news (see the details on my previous blog post) - it's looking like it will be out for December, when it will be available in pdf, epub and .mobi formats.

As another (local) writer/friend is also included in the anthology, we're going to get together and discuss what we can do to advertise our contributions and hopefully drum up sales in our area.

Looking forward to 2013, I'm going to concentrate on my longer length projects, and try a few more short stories when I need a break or change of perspective.

I've noticed a few mini workshops advertised so I'm going to see if I can book a place on them. I've decided to update a few skills relating to social media first.

Another writer on the Talkback forum posted a link this morning, it's a good reminder about planning ahead. (Thanks SilverLinings.)

While the agency is in the USA, and some aspects will be more relevant there, it has some good points; so if you've not taken the time to think ahead to 2013 this piece may make you reconsider. Read Mary Keeley's post here.

"Set your own pace and be comfortable with it." I think that first piece of advice is the most valuable, at least it is for me.

Life gets in the way sometimes, and pushing yourself to do more than is practical- or healthy- is a sure way of making life harder for yourself. The accident last year, and the asthma diagnosis this year made me re-evaluate everything in my life, but especially my writing.

By slowing down and accepting that I couldn't do all the things I wanted to, meant I made choices in what I concentrated on. And surprisingly I actually got more done, as I submitted a few things rather than none at all, and won the trophy at the writers' club last December (which was a morale booster).

Now I'm looking forward to my contribution in the anthology.

What has been the best advice you've received that helped you progress?