Thursday 9 December 2010

Improve Your Writing...

Have you ever puzzled over whether you should use Who's or Whose?

I didn't know the word Pleonasm existed, let alone what it was. But a quick read of the explanation and I realised I did actually know what it was and could recognise one when I saw it...

Well here is a web page where you can practise all those areas of grammar that we all stumble over occasionally. You will find out what a Pleonasm is if like me, you didn't know.

Thanks have to go to writer Teresa Ashby who mentioned these writing exercises and provided a link on her blog last month.

I've tried a few of the exercises and I'm doing okay, but I know I still have a few dodgy areas...

Have fun.

Monday 6 December 2010

Christmas is coming...

A temporary diversion from writing and transport problems because of the snow and ice.

This time every year I turn into a big kid again (temporarily) when the countdown to Santa begins (yes I know I'm a grown-up and I know the man in the big red suit doesn't really exist but it's better than moaning about all the miserable stuff. I'm a writer so imagination is allowed :) ).

So here's a link to put you in the Christmas spirit, NORAD Tracks Santa. You can click on the page for Santa's village- an alternative advent calendar...Hover your mouse over the building of the day and it will light up and the banner at the top will tell you what the building is. Click on it and a puzzle of some sort will come up- simple enough for a child to do and accompanied by Christmas music, probably courtesy of North Pole Radio at number 4...
Santa claus Pictures, Images and Photos
image from


Back to normality soon...