Sunday 29 July 2018

Arriving Shortly...

No, the book is not done yet!

Instead there's a non-fiction article due out any day- if you're a Writing Magazine subscriber; otherwise you'll have to wait until Thursday when the September issue is in newsagents, or you prefer digital...

As soon as I have a copy in my hands and have read it- to see what was edited- then I'll be blogging and tweeting about it, as well as posting on Facebook.

It's an important topic for many writers I know...

Magazine topics...

Image from Pixabay.


Helen Baggott said...

Looking forward to reading it, Carol.

Carolb said...

Thank you Helen. :-)

Marion Clarke said...

oooh - looking forward, Carol!


Helen Laycock said...

Highlighter pen at the ready...

Carolb said...

Marion - I hope you won't be too disappointed. :D

Helen- You'll have to tell me what you highlighted. :D

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Good for you, Carol! I think I know the subject...

Julia Thorley said...

I see it! Excellent article, Carol.

Teresa Ashby said...

A very important topic, Carol. I will try to get hold of a copy!

Carolb said...

Rosemary- yes it's that topic! :D

Julia- thank you.

Teresa- the September issue will be in newsagents Thursday.