Thursday, 6 August 2015

Making Plans for 2016...

A couple of years ago I bought an academic style diary because I started to have a list of dates for appointments and school/college dates for the next year, but only the back of the current year's diary to note them down - and my writing is not small!

So now as soon as I see them in the shops I make my choice, and at the first opportunity I transfer details over. 2016 is not going to be quiet.

Today I was booking my appointment dates for the rest of this year with my hairdresser (as the bookings for December were starting already). I have no intention of having my grey roots showing for the Festival of Romance weekend in November. :D

But this got me thinking about next year's events- yes I know it's only August...

I definitely want to go to the Writers' Conference again- this year it was the end of March, then June is always Lowdham Book Festival and a busy time generally. So if I want to get away for a research trip I'm going to have to aim for May again.

I'm thinking about a visit to Dorchester as there's some research details I need for my Dorset novel before I get back to writing it (at some point next year). On my previous visits time was limited and the family impatient to go, so like my trip to Bath last year, I need time to myself for visits.

There's still a couple of small research areas that I noted down in my Nottinghamshire novella/short novel, so I need to resolve those, but they don't require me to travel away from home, just sit down, read and look at pictures...

And write of course.

My resolution for next year will definitely be better time management. I'm getting there, but I still have to work on procrastination in the morning.

Meanwhile I've got between now and the end of November to get as much done as possible.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at


Maxi said...

What a busy bee! The research trips sound great - a great time to really immerse yourself. Glad you got your appointment booked in so the roots will be kept in check :D I can't wait to hear all about the event!

Nicola said...

Don't worry about 'morning procrastination'. I think that is a must, isn't it? You must let me know if it isn't because I belong to that group :) Great to hear of all your future adventures Carol. Thank you for sharing.

Keith Havers said...

Hope you've still got time for Nottingham Writers' Club, Carol!

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Love getting organised, Carol, though I'll wait a few weeks before I get more detailed. I'd love to go to the Festival of Romance in November as I haven't been to one yet - will investigate, though I've been going to a lot this year!

Carolb said...

Thanks, Maxi. I'll be blogging about my visits both here and on Serena's website, blog. Being minus the younger members of the family is an essential for research trips. :)

Carolb said...

Thanks, Nicola, it's reassuring I am not alone in this. :))

I find I can't get started until I'm fed and dressed for the day, plus caught up with the outside world.

Carolb said...

I'll fit it in, Keith. :))

Carolb said...

There are so many opportunities to attend events nowadays, Rosemary, that I find I have to choose which ones I can get to, and afford to attend.

My ALCS payment this year is going toward paying for my Festival of Romance attendance. :))

Teresa Ashby said...

There is something really inspiring about getting a new diary and planning ahead, Carol. It sounds as if you're going to be busy :-) xx

Carolb said...

You're so right, Teresa. :-)

I'm busier than I thought I would be, and thankfully using the academic style diary I can space out my commitments better - so I don't end up with lots of things bunched into the same week or month.