Saturday 1 March 2014

Confused About Publishing to Kindle? You Need This New Book...

Kindle Direct Publishing For Absolute Beginners: A guide to publishing Kindle e-books for beginners
Available on Amazon platforms
(image from
Unsure about creating a kindle e-book, then worry no more.

Kindle Direct Publishing for Absolute Beginners by Sally Jenkins.

I think this new book will sell very well, as it covers so many essential elements of the publishing to Kindle process.

You can read about how this new book came about on Sally's blog here.

This e-book doesn't cover formatting in detail- there is an e-book that covers that aspect that Sally recommends.

Her book goes into all those other essential areas that you need to understand and use, from the pre-publishing stage- what you need to consider and check for before you begin formatting, to the options for cover design, and more.

You will find out about the thorny issues of pricing, royalties and tax- the latter has always seemed to be the most confusing issue for UK writers who have sales in the US (30% withholding tax, and the US Tax identification number- and how to get one).

Then after your e-book is loaded and on sale, important issues like keywords, getting reviews and keeping track.

I've only been able to have a quick scan through my copy- I bought it last night, £1.53 on Amazon's UK site but the parts I have read for compiling this blog post, have convinced me.

I like the straightforward manner in the way each aspect of the process is addressed, and even those elements that always seemed quite unnerving are no longer scary, or headache inducing.

This e-book is a purchase you will not regret making.


Helen Baggott said...

I agree, the book should sell well. I bought a copy yesterday and I love the style - friendly and informative. Thanks for this blog post - it's reminded me that I need to go and finish reading Sally's book!

Carolb said...

You're right, Helen. It has a friendly and informative style that everyone can appreciate.

I know a few people at my writers' club who would find this useful, so I'll be spreading the word.

Patsy said...

Amazon's own (free) book about building a book for kinle is very helpful too. Sally's probably covers areas that doesn't though.

Angela Barton said...

Thanks for the tip Carol. It's always good to have books recommended to us writers. Hope the words are flowing for you. Ange

Rosemary Gemmell said...

That sounds a good addition to the instructions available, Carol. I still haven't sorted out the US tax thing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention Carol - much appreciated. Marketing is by far the hardest part of e-publishing and every 'shout-out' is welcome.
I haven't yet got a US tax number, Rosemary. The vast majority of my sales are in the UK so at the moment the US government is withholding 30% of very little - so not worth the hassle of getting the tax number at the moment.

Carolb said...

I have that one , Patsy, though I haven't looked at it for some time.

I think we all have to find what works for us, as we aren't all technical people- I know I can only do so much without having to consult the instruction book, and anything that is straightforward is a relief. :)

Carolb said...

I'm letting my first draft rest a few weeks, Ange, so I'm sorting out some short stories in the meantime.

Hope the latest novel is going well. :)

Carolb said...

As Sally says in the e-book, Rosemary, unless you have quite a few sales in the US, it isn't always worth doing straight away.

Carolb said...

You're welcome, Sally. :)

I like the fact that each section of the book is easy to understand, especially if you find the practicalities of publishing to Kindle a bit of a headache.

Good luck.