Thursday, 16 September 2010


I've been considering starting a blog for some time and decided today was the day to begin. So here I am...

I'm based in the East Midlands, belong to a writers' club and when I'm not writing or feeding the family I enjoy a couple of excercise classes- aquarobics and belly dancing (I've promised my class mates that I will write a story involving belly dancing one day- I have a vague idea for it already).

Carol's Corner is here to not only showcase my writing, both Contemporary and Historical Romance fiction, but also interesting snippets of writing related news, and any other items that get me writing.

My first literary efforts (written as a teenager) were Science Fiction, but no matter what stories I created- and some of them were sagas- there was always a romance involved somewhere in the story.

A few of my stories don't have romance in them, but variety is good for a writer...
In May 2009 my story ' 'Do You Want to Know A Secret?'  was published on the brilliant Thrillers, Killers 'n' Chillers blog- a must see for anyone who reads or writes thrillers, crime, horror and/or mystery stories.

Sometimes my writing does produce amusing items and even I'm surprised.

A few months ago I recorded for audio, a piece of flash fiction 'Positive Exposure' which you can listen to here Audio and hopefully it will make you smile.
250 words from a mixture of ideas- a radio interview with an actress who'd had costume problems and the number of awards ceremonies, at the time, where the female celebrities had chosen to wear strapless dresses.
They went together so well that it won a club competition judged by members attending on the night.

My first published short story Goose Fair Past appeared on the local BBC website in 2003 and romance was involved in the end. I'd only been seriously writing for four years when this story was posted, and I've learnt so much since then.

Currently I'm working on a novel set in Dorset. A couple of novellas and a few short stories that I hope will eventually get published and paid for. When it happens you will hear about it.


Steven Chapman said...

Welcome to the blogosphere Carol! :)
Hope to see some of your work up soon.

Lily Childs said...

Great job Carol!

Unknown said...

Hey, Carol.
Good to see you finally blogging. And thanks for the compliments regarding TKnC - your story was a belter!

Carolb said...

Thanks for looking in.
I'm considering my next post already- I can see blogging could be addictive :)

Helen Baggott said...

Excellent Blog, Carol. Good luck with it!