Thursday, 29 September 2011

The Start of the Redesign...

As you may have noticed there have been a few changes since you last dropped by. But don't worry it is still a work in progress.

I have been removing elements and shifting others around, so some of the missing items may make a reappearance in the next few days...

I've tried to make the text clear and the links more obvious, but all are open for changing. I need to live with it for 24 hours to decide if I'm happy or not.

As you'll see at the top I've added a picture that has taken a couple of cropping sessions to get to a size I was happy with. It was taken Summer 2009 in Dorset, though sadly the weather wasn't as good the day I took the photograph.

I love the view and I have a scene in my novel where my hero and heroine are stood looking out over this vista. I'm sure there may have been a few more trees on the slopes in the mid-18th century, but the coastline view would have been familiar to anyone stopping there to catch their breath.

Now I'm off to take advantage of the afternoon sun...

Monday, 26 September 2011

Regency London...

I was just browsing the online newspapers and came across a walk around what can still be found of the Regency London that was mentioned in a number of Georgette Heyer's novels.

The piece appears in The Telegraph online- Regency London: Let a romantic novelist be your guide.

I can vaguely remember a few of the areas Sue Attwood's walk passes through, but I certainly never got to see St James's Street- originally home to numerous gentlemans clubs and entertainments...

It's good to know some things do survive nearly 200 years later...