Thursday 7 July 2011

Why Knock Romance Novels?

I was surprised to read an article in the Guardian  this morning reporting that "Psychologist says that 'a huge number of the issues that we see in our clinics and therapy rooms are influenced by romantic fiction'."

I think some Psychologists are a bit obsessed with blaming romance books for all feminine mental health and social ills...

Sadly this latest attack on Mills and Boon books comes via the Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Healthcare. (Now I'm not knocking what they do, they are important services for women of all ages).

But we never see crime novels - and some of them feature really gruesome murders- being cited as cause for concern in clinics- unless I've missed that article somewhere...

Sadly you can't read what data Ms Quilliam based her opinion on- unless you are a subscriber to the BMJ or wish to pay £24 for one day's access to the article! But the Guardian item (linked above) does give more detail and some of it is not unreasonable.

" "If readers start to believe the story that romantic fiction offers, then they store up trouble for themselves – and then they bring that trouble into our consulting rooms," writes Quilliam."

They are fiction. And I'm sure the majority of readers know that.

So a serious question, do Mills and Boon romance novels give women unrealistic sexual expectations? Do they think everything will be hunky-dory forever in their lives, just because it always is at the end of a romance novel?

I'm quite sure there are ordinary men out there who could rival some of the sexual abilities of the heroes of these novels, even if they lack the riches and looks.

The saying 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' is very relevant.

There have always been women unhappy in their marriages- it's been going on for centuries. Just because now you can get a divorce it doesn't stop feelings of failure and guilt (and visits to the consulting rooms mentioned )- and that is more to do with society's and other peoples expectations rather than the ideal happy couple at the end of the book.

You don't read a romance to be depressed by reality- at least I don't...

Young women (and young men) are bombarded with unrealistic images and expectations every day from glossy magazines to music videos to talent shows.
They eventually accept that it isn't the real world, but that comes with time and experience.

Romance novels display a lot of positives and that should be encouraged and welcomed.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Further News re: Amazon and the Book Depository...

The OFT (Office of Fair Trading) has issued an 'invitation to comment' on the acquisition of The Book Depository by Amazon.

Written representations about any competition or public interest issues can be sent to the OFT- details here. This is open for comment until the 18th July. (They apparently expect to have made a decision on referal by the end of August.)

You can read more on the website.

Obviously the 'invitation to comment' does not necessarily guarantee an investigation, but it's part of the process that leads up to it.

This acquisition could take a long time to occur...