Friday 18 February 2011


I'm feeling a lot better for resting for the day, but decided I couldn't miss my Friday/Saturday posting, so I went to find an illustration to inspire you.

I like the illustrated pictures by silentstella on Photobucket, simple but with depth- they inspire ideas for stories- well they do for me...

So I've selected one that I particularly liked and added what I thought the person in the picture was doing or thinking. So perhaps it will start you thinking and creating.

By silentstella from Photobucket

The figure could be male or female. You could set the story in another time- future or past. Nothing is impossible with imagination...

Thursday 17 February 2011

Health and the writer...

I'd intended this post to be about writing health- making sure you're well supported in the chair you use at the computer (no dangling feet and back supported please). Also keeping your eyes healthy when you spend a great deal of time at the computer screen (taking breaks and looking away from the screen for a few moments regularly).

But I was in an accident today- as a passenger, so I'm starting to feel stiff and I'm not sure how much typing will be comfortable by tomorrow.

So there may or may not be a weekend post, but I will be looking out for interesting things to write about next even if I'm not up to immediate typing.

Now where did I put those pain killers...