Wednesday 24 November 2010

November Mini Poll

So here are the results of November's fun mini poll- preferred hair colour of your hero/heroine.

Blond/e         14%

Brunette        71%

Red              14%

Grey             0%

Bald              0%

Don't mind    14%

Okay it was only a small number of responses...:)

But I must admit only the occasional hero of mine is blond, so perhaps I need to redress the balance.

Monday 22 November 2010

All writers have...

I met up with a writer friend today and between the cake and coffee we strayed onto books and unsurprisingly agreed that...

All writers:

Have a big stack of books that they have bought and intend to read- they just haven't got round to it yet...

If they see a notebook they like they'll buy it, even if they have a dozen in the drawer at home...

Lots of methods for backing up your work- I seem to have quite a few memory sticks now...

Among the big stack of books in my home are quite a few that are for reference. Sometimes they relate to a project I intend to get to later, rather than now or the next few months.
I just have this fear that if I don't get it when I see it I won't remember or find it again- when I do need it.

Now you'll probably have your own ideas of what to add to the list, so please share your particular writing related must haves in the comments section- just to reassure us all we are not crazy, we're just writers.